HERITAGE CAPE BRETON CONNECTION is  seeking to interview Cape Breton Veterans, War Brides and family members who have memories of Canada’s involvement in World War I and II for our ‘Voices of Heritage, Part 3’.

HCBC plans to do video interviews with 8-10 people throughout Cape Breton who may be veterans, war brides or family members who have memories of those who left Cape Breton to fight in both World Wars. While memories of overseas service veterans will be sought, we would also like to highlight the perspectives of those who worked at the home front in support of the war effort. These interviews, which will be carried out over the next few months, will be captured on DVD and will be available for distribution to museums, schools and legions across the island. This project is being supported by Nova Scotia’s Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage through a Strategic Development Initiative.

All member organizations of Heritage Cape Breton Connection – museums, historical societies and other cultural groups are encouraged to submit names of persons who are willing to be interviewed. We hope to have a representative selection from our four counties.

For more information, you may contact any of our Board members through our website and Facebook page – www.heritagecapebreton.ca

Posted in Heritage Connection.