The Fall Meeting date has been set for Thursday, November 2nd from 10am to 2pm and will be held at the Port Hastings Strait Area Museum. Our agenda will cover updates for current CMAP museums and future ones, (bring your questions); discussion on disaster recovery kits (plus delivery on kits for CNSA members), and updates from HCBC members about stand-out moments from the summer season! Looking forward to seeing you in Port Hastings!
Author Archive: Jane Arnold
HCBC Annual General Meeting -November 3rd 2022
The Annual general meeting and Fall Meeting date has been set for Thursday, November 3rd from 10am to 2pm and will be held at the Beaton Institute at CBU. This will be our first face to face meeting since the beginning of the pandemic, and we look forward to a good participation and a good discussion. ANSM will also be sharing updates about TRACK and advocacy work currently underway. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Beaton!
Heritage Cape Breton Connection Fall Member’s Meeting
This is your friendly reminder of our HCBC Fall Members’ Meeting to be held this Thursday, November 18, 2021 at 10am via Zoom.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been a struggle to remain relevant and connected with members. We encourage you to bring another board member, volunteer, friend.. to assure a good attendance and a good discussion.
Heritage Cape Breton Connection Strategic Planning Survey
The current mission of Heritage Cape Breton Connection is to lead in creating an environment where culture and natural heritage are sustained through advocacy, mutual support and shared knowledge. Over the years, HCBC has completed a number of valuable projects including Voices of Heritage, created heritage locator maps, supported youth heritage projects through financial awards, and supported knowledge sharing via bi-annual members meetings.
This survey is intended to gather feedback from our membership to inform a more focused strategic direction for the group. We would like to begin this discussion at the upcoming November 18th Members meeting, and continue the work throughout the winter months. During the annual AGM, we will provide the membership with a revitalized vision for HCBC.